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CST @ 417-773-0304
Copyright ©, Scorpion Swords & Knives, LLC
The Sumerian Sword -
Doomsday Sumerian Sword SBG Limited Edition:
Doomsday Line
Total Length = 28 Ό
Blade Length = 18 Ό
Blade Width = 2 7/8 widest
Blade Thickness = 3/16
Handle Length = 10
Handle Width = 1 Center
Handle: Walnut & Black Leather Wrap Weight = 2 lbs
13 oz
POB = 3 ½ from Guard
$259.99 Doomsday Sumerian Sword - Without Sheath
One of the oldest civilizations, ancient Sumer had a long and very deep history - many of their earliest myths later incorporated
and absorbed by their neighbors and served as the foundation for many of the worlds greatest religions. From battles with dark forces
obsessed with destruction, the 8th sword from the Doomsday series draws upon both historical and fantastical elements to create a
fitting tribute to the ancient Sumerians.
Designed by Esteemed Sword Designer Jason Woodard, made by Scorpion Swords & Knives,
and is exclusively offered at the SBG on-line Store. This heat treated full tang one piece construction results in an EXTREMELY
DURABLE and almost indestructible sword.
All Sheaths are Black Buffalo Culatta Leather
$298.99 Doomsday Sumerian Sword - With Sheath