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Khopesh Sword of Pharaoh:
Our Khopesh was on the hit CBS show Elementary. Episode 10 of Season 6, called “The Adventure of the Ersatz Sobekneferu”. Order from here to get your own copy of this ancient Egyptian sword. 
While originally these ancient swords were used against the Egyptians, they were so impressed by them that they adopted them as their own and the Khopesh eventually became the very symbol of Egyptian authority, with two such swords even found in the tomb of the legendary Pharaoh/Mummy Tutankhamun (c 1350 BC).
Khopesh Sword
Of Pharaoh

Click Here to see our modern styled version of the Khopesh.

Total Length =  26”               Blade Length = 20“           
Blade Width = 1  3/4“           Blade Thickness = 3/16“    

Handle Length = 6“              Handle Width =  1 1/8“                

Weight = 2.4 lbs

Handle:  Zebra wood. 

$249  Khopesh Sword of Pharaoh without Sleeve     
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$278  Khopesh Sword of Pharaoh with Leather Sleeve    
Elementary on CBS picture - Link to video CBS Elementary Episode with Khopesh Sword of Pharoah
All Sheaths are Black Buffalo Culatta Leather
To ensure durability, all handles now have Expose Pins.