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Mon-Sat 8am to 10pm
CST @ 417-773-0304
Tactical Smatchet Short Sword
History of the Smatchet
Price: $224 Tactical Smatchet Short Sword without Sheath
The Smatchet was used by British and American special forces (Special Air Service and Office
of Strategic Services, respectively)
during World War II. Designed as a pure combat weapon.
The psychological reaction of any man, when he first takes the smatchet in
his hand is full
justification for its recommendation as a fighting weapon. He will immediately register all the
essential qualities
of a good fighter - confidence, determination, and aggressiveness. Its
balance, weight and killing power, with the point and edge,
combined with the extremely simple
training necessary to become efficient in its use, make it the ideal personal weapon.
Total Length = 16"
Blade Length = 10 "
Blade Width = 2 7/8 "
Blade Thickness = 3/16 "
Handle Length = 6 "
Handle Width = 1 ¼ " x 7/8 "
Handle: Black Linen Micarta
Weight = 1 ½ lb
Used by British & American
Special Forces During World War II
Click on the video
to the right to see
Demo it's Slicing
Capabilities from our original Smatchet!, and a few old clips from
Price: $253 Tactical Smatchet Short Sword with Sheath
All Sheaths are Black Buffalo Culatta Leather